Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Who would have ever imagined?

     First of all I have to thank you all so much.  Who would of ever imagined that in less than 24 hours we would have over 500 views of our blog.  It is so unbelievable to me the outpouring of support that we have had.  I mean we knew that we were blessed to have some wonderful friends but wow I am almost at a loss for words.  Those of you that know me on a personal level know that it takes a whole lot for me to be speechless LOL. 
     I want to answer a question that some of you might have.  Why did we pick Taiwan?  Well, we didn't pick Taiwan, God did.  About a month ago we had a wonderful visit from some missionaries(The Bielby family) in Taiwan at our church.  They informed us that Taiwan has more idols and more temples than almost any other place in the world.  When children are young there they take them to one of the temples and invite spirits to come and live inside of them.  Christianity is almost unheard of in most places in Taiwan.  Through research we have also found out that when unwed women get pregnant there it is a disgrace.  They are shunned from their families unless they have an abortion.  The family wants the woman to be the only one that feels quilt so they send her to kill her own child and  deal with the grief all alone.  There are a few Christian organizations that will take these mothers in and house them until the pregnancy is over and then they will give the child up for adoption and go back to their families. 
     The other day we were sitting at the computer looking up countries to adopt from and Sam said "Mom you know we should adopt from Taiwan.  That is where the Bielby family lives."  She was so right. we were just introduced to the fact that so many people, do not and will not know who God is there.  We have really had it on our hearts to not just adopt but to help save a child.  What better way to save a child than to save his relationship with the one that made all of this possible.
     We have been researching the Internet like crazy, but as most of you know the problem is not lack of information it is the overwhelming amount of information that makes this all very hard.  There are not that many adoption agencies that even support a Taiwan program.  We have been researching for about a week and we are having a hard time choosing an agency.  Once we invest in one it is a done deal.  So if you could all be praying for some clarification for us so that we could discern the right path to take it would be very appreciated.
     Thank you all again for all of your support.  This is already an amazing adventure and we are just getting started. 

James 1:27  Religion that God our Father excepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


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