Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Psalm 33:4 For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.

     We have some very exciting news.  We have found an organization that has excepted us in Taiwan.  This whole journey has been led by God and we want to make sure that it stays that way.  The organization that we found asks first if you are a Christian.  They only work with Christian families.  Well, sounds like a perfect match to me.  We have been on a roller coaster of emotions these last 4 months and they just keep getting better.  The only way to tell you how happy I am is to say that my heart won't quit smiling.  We are finally on our way.  We have a meeting with a new home study agency on Monday.  The one that we started is different than the one we are going to need now.  We have found out some answers to a few questions we had and a few questions that some of you have asked me.  It should take around 1 year.  The cost is going to be right around $26,000.  I know that sounds like an impossible amount right?  Wrong, God has done more than impossible so far so why should I be worried for one minute.  I want to thank all of you for the prayers and the continued support everyday.  We knew we had some pretty great family and friends but that does not even begin to describe all of you.  Your prayers have helped to lead us to where we are right now.  Thank you all so much.  There are a couple of things we would still love to have prayers for.  The first, Taiwan is changing some of there laws on adoption.  They should go into effect as of Jan. 1st 2012.  We ask that you pray that the changes will not effect our adoption process.  the second thing we would ask for prayer for is finances.  I know when some of you hear that it is $26,000 you think that we are a little crazy.  Well, this is what I know.  My God has called us to adopt, and from Taiwan he has shut and opened doors, and this one has led us here.  I have had to learn to trust him more than I ever have had to before and it has turned out to be a wonderful thing.  I wake up praying, talk to him all day and go to bed praying.  I can truly say that I have never been this close to God in my life.   I am so glad that you all are getting to walk this out with us.  We are honored to have all of you in our lives!

Pr. 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.


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