Saturday, August 6, 2011

Stepping Out In Faith!

     I have heard so many times that stepping out in faith is hard.  It is more than hard but I know that his plan is way bigger than I can ever imagine.  Over the last few months my relationship with the Lord has deepened to a level that I would of never imagined.  I have learned that intimacy with him is so much more than church buildings, more than just reading his word, more than hanging out with other believers, and more than I ever deserve.  Intimacy with him is talking, just simply talking with him from the depths of my soul.  It is feeling his embrace while driving to work, it is feeling him while doing even the most average everyday chores that were before a hinderance now a pleasure with him by my side.  It is a feeling of wholeness even when the world around me is in chaos and I'm not in control.  Since Kent the kids and I have stepped out in faith we have had quite a lot of stuff thrown at us.  I know that is how it works.  I do read the word and know that when you take a step in the right direction Satan quickly jumps in and tries to detour your route and make things seem impossible.  Well, I have news for him.  Our family is stronger than he realizes and my God can do anything and with him nothing is impossible. 
     Since the day that we decided to follow this calling on our heart God has done some pretty amazing things and I really want to share some of them with you.  He has used relationships that we have had over the years to open doors we did not even know were there.  Kent has a friend that hunts out here with him that knows one of the guys that works at Lifesong.  Lifesong is an organization that helps families that are adopting.  They give out grants and help people fundraise for their adoptions.  They have been so wonderful to us.  We can't get to the grant stage until we have the homestudy finished but it is such a relief to know they are there when we get to that point.  We have had so many friends send us links and webpages that have been really helpful.  We have had names and numbers given to us from some to get us in touch with others that have been where we are.  We want to thank everyone for your continued love, support, and prayers.  This is all still very new to us and we are kind of figuring it all out as we go.


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