Monday, September 19, 2011

Miracles Through The Rain

Blessings come even through the rain.  Last night was sure proof of that.  These are just a few of the pictures I took from our Adoption Fundraiser.  We are so blessed to have such a wonderful group of family and friends.  We raised $3059.50.  I don't know about you but to me that number is just awesome.  We are now a little bit closer to bringing our little one home.  We now have enough to finish our Home Study, take the classes we need, and even a little bit left for the next step in our adoption process.  It is so cool that God just keeps providing exactly what we need right when we need it.  I have been watching God do some pretty remarkable things lately and I knew he was going to be in control of the whole day.  When Kent woke me up yesterday he said "Get up get up it's time to get up God is going to do some pretty amazing things today."  That is such a great way to get out of bed.  Thanking and praising him for the day ahead.  We jumped up got ready and headed to church.  We praised God in worship and thanked him for what he has been doing , and for what he still has in store.  We have came to this great place of peace with him because we know that it is not humanly possible to come up with the finances on our own. The only way it is possible is through him.  Even when I got out of bed yesterday and saw the rain, instead of flipping out (like the old me would have) I gave him a great big thank you for giving the ground a drink.  We have not had rain in so long and we really do need it.  I knew that rain or shine his glory was going to be had.  We had the most amazing time last night.  We had friends from so many different parts of our walk there.  We had family members, church family, old friends, new friends, and even a few friends we had never even met before.  We had an awesome worship team that volunteered there time, and gifts.  We also had many people step up to help set up, run the bake sale, help with the silent auction, grill hot dogs, move tables, and help clean up.  We had people praying that could not come and people praying that were there.  We ended up being blessed in so many ways.  Our spirits were so full last night by the time we got into bed that we could hardly sleep.  We were talking about all the events of that day and how incredible our God is.  We talked about all the things we wish we had done (like grab the microphone and thank everyone for coming, & tell the volunteers that they could have as many hot dogs as they wanted.)  We have never done anything like this before so it is all new and it is also a path of learning for us.  We want to tell all of you that came and that prayed that we love you and thank you from the bottoms of our hearts.  We are so blessed that God has put you all in our lives. 
Psalm 72:11-14
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.  I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.  Your ways, O God, are holy.  What god is so great as our God?  You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. 


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